Tel 07976 244459

Sometimes we’re asked to do clean and repair small hallways on another occasions large factory floors. We have the equipment and know how to clean, strip, repair, polish, buff, wax and reseal virtually any type of flooring. So go on pull back your carpets, perhaps there is something beneath that we can make look beautiful!
Tiled Floors
We restore any type of tiling but are asked mostly to revive Terracotta, Quarry and Minton tiles. We use one or often a selection of cleaning/stripping solutions to rid the floor of its old polish and often years of ingrained grime. Once the floor has been given a deep clean and allowed to dry it’s sealed (if necessary) with a few coats of either polish or wax. The end result is a gorgeously clean looking floor with a deep rich lustre that will be admired by all.
Stone Floors
Flagstones, Limestone, Slate, Marble – whatever kind of stone floor you have it will have one thing in common with all the rest…. after a while it will start looking tired. Stone floors need reawakening from time to time or even bringing back to life! The type of stone and its surface determine how it’s cleaned. Acidic cleaners for example should not be used on a honed (highly polished) stone floor as they eat into it and so damage the surface. Once the floor has been thoroughly cleaned and/or stripped an impregnator can be added to help prevent stains appearing on porous surfaces. Finally if you wish the floor to have a little shine, then it is treated to some fresh coats of polish which creates the gorgeous lustre. The end result is a protected floor with a deep rich radiance that will be a feature in any property.
Vinyl Floors
Vinyl floors in order to look their best should be cleaned/stripped and then protected with a few layers of polish. Polish gives them not only protection but also a gorgeous rich shine. We rejuvenate all types of vinyl such as Amtico, Tarkett and Karndean. We restore the vinyl floors in shops, homes, hairdressers, dental and doctors’ surgeries in fact anywhere they need restoring. An unprotected vinyl floor will absorb dirt and grime, for this reason it should be protected from new before it’s first walked on. However, over a period of time the polish wears off and so periodically the floor needs cleaning/stripping and fresh coats reapplied. Where an old polish needs removing, a stripping chemical is applied to loosen the polish. It is then thoroughly scrubbed and the dirty water is taken up with a wet and dry vacuum. Once the floor is thoroughly clean and dry several coats of a tough floor polish are applied. The polish gives a long lasting shine that not only protects the floor but also enhances its appearance.

Slate Floor Before Cleaning
20 Years worth of Grease and Grime
Slate Floor After Cleaning
Floor cleaned using polish remover, degreaser and a rotary floor machine. Dirty slurry was taken up with a wet and dry vacuum. The floor was later sealed.

Questions about Floor Cleaning
Q. How do you clean the Floors?
A. The Floors are Deep Cleaned using a commercial floor scrubbing machine (with appropriate cleaning chemical for the type of floor). The dirty slurry is then sucked up with a wet and dry vacuum
Q. Do you use Steam?
A. No Steam can often damage your floor
Q. What kind of floors do you Clean?
A. We can clean virtually any kind of flooring , if you can walk on it then there's a good chance we can clean it!
Tiled (Terracotta, Quarry and Minton Tiles)
Stone Floors (Flagstones, Limestone, Slate, Marble)
Vinyl floors (such as Amtico, Tarkett and Karndean)
Q. Can you Seal and/or Polish our Floor?
A. Yes this will help repel dirt and protect it from dirt and Wear and Tear
Q. What is a Seal?
A. A Floor Seal (or Sealant) is a liquid that's applied to the floor in order to stop it being porous. In other words once a sealant has been applied to your floor and allowed to dry other liquids when spilt/splashed on the floor won't be able to penetrate and damage it
Q. What is a Polish?
A. A Floor Polish is a liquid that's applied to the floor in order to give it a hard protective coating as well as a sheen. Sometimes floors need to be 'sealed' before they can be polished otherwise all the polish will be absorbed by the floor.
Q. How long does the Sealant and Polish take to dry?
A. This depends on the type of Polish and Sealant we use. However most water based Polishes and Sealants take approximately 40 minutes to dry.
Q. How long before we can walk on the floor once you have finished?
A. Maybe best to leave it an hour or so after it's dried.
Q. Do you do both Domestic and Commercial work?
A. Yes we are more than happy to do both
Q. How Much do you charge?
A. We are extremely competitive It's normally based on the size and what type of floor it is. Please give us a ring for a friendly no obligation free quote.